By Brenda Choi and Fok Yan Kei Kristy, from Moral and National Education Department, Pui Kiu College (Secondary Section)
In the modern and international city that is Hong Kong, it is inevitable that more and more adolescents forget the importance of family in our culture. Come to think of it, how many times have we sacrificed spending valuable time with family for the small things in life that won't even affect our future? At first glance, you may ponder: Is family even that important? In actuality, family is a vital part of our culture and society. It is a source of comfort, support, and identity for millions of Chinese people and has played a crucial role in shaping our rich history and culture. Today, let's take a deep dive into the crucial Chinese moral value that is family.
In China, family is seen as the cornerstone of society and is largely understood through Confucian thought. In Confucian thinking, the family contains the most important relationships for all individuals. In the past, the roles of husband and wife, parent and child were clearly defined, with the father as the provider and the mother as the homemaker, and children having to be obedient and respectful. In spite of this, Confucian roles are not as strictly adhered to anymore. Nevertheless, children are still expected to obey their parents and honour their elders. This is in accordance with filial piety, the Confucian virtue that stresses the importance of age.
Filial piety is a core value in traditional Chinese family culture that emphasizes respect, obedience, and loyalty to one's parents and ancestors. It is deemed by many that demonstrating filial piety brings blessings and good fortune to the family. It also encompasses a sense of belonging, loyalty, and shared identity. In Chinese culture, the family is seen as the foundation of an individual's personal and social relationships. It is where one learns values, morals, and customs, and where one can find support and protection.
In modern times, filial piety remains an important value in Chinese family culture. For instance, the entire family is still expected to consult their elders on major decisions, such as marriage. In the same fashion, children are expected to care for their parents and be devoted to their health and wellness as they age. In modern-day society, some may choose to demonstrate filial piety through practical means, namely by providing financial support or caring for their ageing parents. Regardless of the form it takes, filial piety is seen as a way to maintain harmony and strengthen relationships within the family in Chinese culture.
Against this backdrop, how can we as students fulfil our family duties? As young adolescents, it is more than normal for us to not have the capability to care for our parents financially. Nevertheless, there are a multitude of ways for us to show our filial piety. First and foremost, one of the easiest approaches is for us to show respect to our elders. Whether they be our parents, grandparents, or other family members who are older than us, we can start by actively listening to and obeying their advice and guidance in most aspects of life, including decision-making and daily interactions. Lending a helping hand in daily chores can also show our appreciation for our elders' hard work. Taking hard work off their hands can show that we are caring towards our elders and that we respect what they have done for us 365 days.
In conclusion, Chinese culture has undergone many dramatic changes in recent years, but the family structure and the importance of family values remain a focus. Chinese culture places an immensely high value on filial piety, loyalty, and the importance of extended family relationships. As the future pillars of society, as we are now navigating an increasingly globalized world where Western culture has indefinitely been intertwined into our lives, it is of the utmost importance for us to remember our cultural roots and family values that have played a part in shaping our society. From this day onwards, we should treasure the time that is spent with our families and take the initiative to try and build a harmonious relationship with them.
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