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Chinese beggars with disfigurements attract public and police attention in Bangkok

Disfigured Chinese beggars on the streets of Bangkok have captured Thai society's attention. Thai police recently announced that six beggars, all of whom are Chinese nationals, have been charged, emphasizing that begging is illegal in Thailand and urging the public not to provide them with money.

These beggars, who have physical disabilities and facial disfigurements, entered Thailand using tourist visas. Local media reported that four of them claimed their injuries were a result of a fire in China and asserted that they resorted to begging due to financial constraints. It was reported that each beggar earned more than 10,000 Thai Baht (US$284.50) daily.

Thai media highlighted the beggars' reluctance to provide personal identification documents. According to reports, when a female beggar was arrested, a Chinese translator driving a luxury car attempted to secure her release with money. However, the translator denied any acquaintance with the beggar. Further investigation revealed that the beggar had changed her tourist visa to a student visa and had enrolled in an online course.

Thai authorities are currently investigating possible connections to human trafficking. The six individuals have been charged under the Begging Control Act, and one of them has been deported. The Thai Immigration Bureau has reaffirmed its commitment to combating such crimes and urged the public to report any relevant information.

(Source: Bangkok Post)


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