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Exclusive | Rotary International President McInally: Hope leads to world's wellbeing

Rotary International (RI) is a non-political and non-religious international service organization, which is open to all and aims to promote goodwill and peace around the world by bringing together leaders from all fields to provide humanitarian service.

RI's theme this year is "CREATE HOPE in the WORLD," proposed by newly elected President R. Gordon R. McInally (2023-2024). "Hope is the building block upon which everything else ...... (Rotary International) is continuing to make the world a better place, continuing to do good, and to help people." In the areas of polio eradication and youth development, President McKinley also expects the RI to go one step further.

Recently, President McInally came to Hong Kong to participate in the THE ONE Humanitarian Award ceremony, met with government officials, and further discussed the future work of Rotary International District 3450 (China's Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong Province, and Mongolia). Let's see what he said!


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