The Hong Kong government today (Nov. 17) gazetted a bill proposing to expand the scope of the ban on feeding wild animals to cover feral pigeons and to increase the maximum penalty for illegal feeding.
Stressing that feeding of wild animals and feral pigeons affects their ability to forage and survive in the wild, and poses public hygiene and other issues, the Government said the amendment bill seeks to enhance deterrence in combating such activities.
The bill also proposes to raise the maximum penalty for illegal feeding from a fine of $10,000 to one of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year, and to introduce a fixed penalty system with the amount set at $5,000.
There are also proposals to broaden the scope of Government enforcement officers' powers to enforce the law.
The Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill 2023 will be given a first reading in the Legislative Council on November 29. Subject to the bill's passage, the legislative amendments will take effect on August 1, 2024.