By Augustus K. Yeung
Mike Gallagher, a newly elected House subcommittee chairman, has taken upon himself as a basher of Beijing, a destroyer of China, defaming Joe Biden – complaining publicly that the U.S. president has "too much power" – and defying the mission of President Biden's high-level delegation to salvage the sagging bilateral Sino-U.S. relations – after the so-called "spy" balloon incident, which has triggered China's strongest protest.
From the highest level of White House delegations headed by Antony Blinken to the U.S. Senate's Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, the determination and sincerity of the U.S. president is clear.
But, as the old saying goes, "Once beaten twice shy," the Chinese side is being cautious and this is probably why China's Foreign Ministry has not announced that President Xi Jinping has committed himself to meeting his counterpart in San Francisco in November, although the White House has just officially done so.
China's silence is unusual. Now I know why.
Beijing is still worried that something sinister or someone vicious is out to sabotage Xi's support for the U.S.-hosted summit – which the two sides are sincerely counting on to warm up the ties and help resolve the two raging wars – in the last minute.
Beijing's hunch proves to be right. I just got an emergency call from my editor today, who was sending me the alarmed message that Mike Gallagher, the newly elected Subcommittee Chairman, is viciously out lobbying and putting pressure on the White House to sanction 49 Hong Kong senior leaders ranging from administrative to judicial sectors.
Note: The damage to the city that the present Chief Executive is sanctioned by the White House and will not be effectively be able to attend the San Franciso summit is discouraging to Hong Kong (SAR) and its citizens.
With the local economy and the low morale, citizens are still trying hard to get back this cosmopolitan to its normal level of livelihood and development.
And now all of a sudden, Mr. Mike Gallagher has dropped a bombshell on Hong Kong, aiming purposely and ultimately at China, just to hurt the CPC and Beijing, both are too far away from Washington and too well-protected from being harmed by the U.S. Senate's saboteurs. And so he can only hurt China through Hong Kong. This is the devilish thinking hidden in his deceptive mind!
Who is Mike Gallagher and Why Does He Want to Hurt China through Hong Kong?
Mike Gallagher is one of the most listened-to radio talk show hosts and comedian in America. He is known for being belligerent, earning the nickname, "The Happy Conservative Warrior" as he has a long history in the U.S. military, but has failed to make it to the upper echelon. In other words, he is some kind of a drop out, even though the record says he was "honorably discharged".
As a marine, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is known for his "conservative" war-like sentiment, although he has now camouflaged himself as a talk show host.
Mr. Gallagher's passionate interaction with listeners and his fast-paced, fun delivery makes his show appointment listening for millions of people in America when in fact he is just a marine veteran, a narcissist – with a pent-up secret ambition of making it big someday.
Prior to being launched into national syndication in 1998, Mike Gallagher hosted the morning show on WABC-AM in New York City. Today, Talkers Magazine reports that his show is heard by over 7 million weekly listeners.
What a Dagger Mike Gallagher has got tucked up in his Sleeve Ready to Stab the U.S. President?
U.S. news has it that Mr. Gallagher is out trying to sabotage the president's huge aid package for both Ukraine and Israel. Mike figured that he might as well offer it totally to support the Israeli cause of decimating the Hamas. His purpose?
As a "conservative" he adores the wayward political philosophy of Donald J. Trump, and as a "warrior" he is on the same battle front as many of Trump followers, dedicated to the task of taking down the incumbent U.S. president – by making life difficult for Mr. Biden and his Democratic Party.
John Kirby: President Biden Would Veto Israel-Only Supplemental Package If Passed by U.S. Congress.
The White House must have got the wind that Mr. Mike Gallagher is out to mess up the San Francisco summit with China by setting hurdles on the way to the San Francisco summit when President Joe Biden is scheduled to be meeting with President Xi Jinping – to guide and direct the Sino-U.S. bilateral relations back on track.
Sabotaging the huge financial aid is one cheap plan, and colluding with anyone, including Anna Kwok who is unhappy about the way Hong Kong has had suppressed the months-long protests is another avenue. By using that "anyone", Mr. Gallagher has used that person's biased version of the riotous protest movement against the governmental and judicial systems of Hong Kong, whipping up a wave in the high seas of our society – which is trying very hard to bring the ship to an even keel.
That said, Mr. Gallagher is not just ultra "conservative" in his political thinking, he is also a blind but ambitious "warrior" who has failed as a lawmaker to address the economic challenges facing his own country and our world.
Mr. Mike Gallagher, the narcistic "happy, conservative warrior" will ultimately be made unhappy –for trashing Hong Kong's judicial community; humanity and justice in the course of human history may come late, but never hashes a deadly hit. As the American and Chinese leaders are all set to meet in San Francisco, their teams of wise men and women will bring the damaged Sino-U.S. relations back on track – for the betterment of a world – which is now weeping (in sympathy with the wounded children and the displaced old people) in the devastated Gaza Strip and war-torn Ukraine.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
To contact the writer, please direct email: AugustusKYeung@ymail.com
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