By Augustus K. Yeung
North American tradition has it that the alliance between U.S. and Canada covers comprehensive protection militarily, including secret information services, spying on Canada and killing of Canadians on Canadian soil. This reliance has become habitual.
As junior partner, Canada plays a subservient role to the U.S.
When it comes to China, now being perceived as a rival or even a "threat", Ottawa is expected to be on the side of Washington.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau had had the courage to resist pressures from Washington, but Trudeau junior is too green to get Ottawa to stand up to America. The Huawei case affords an example, in which Justin kowtowed to Donald Trump.
Biden carries bombs and landmines whenever he roams around, and now in Asia-Pacific – hoping to explode in the face of China. In his latest show of American power and presence, he has found it strategic to lobby Mody, hoping to pull him over to his side.
Mody's visit to America – wining and dining in the White House, and – delivering his speech in the House may be entertaining to the rightwing American politicians.
Mody was over the moon. But this honeymoon didn't last long. Did it?
The litmus test: will Biden be on the side of India or Canada? The U.S. president would want to have the pie and eat it.
This time, the landmine first exploded in the face of a junior fellow, Justin Trudeau – whose baby-faced innocence shows that he hasn't any of the old treat-and-trick tactics that Biden has been stocking up for his English-speaking boys such as Rishi Sunak.
The bloody murder of a man of Indian ethnic origin in Canada has unexpectedly sparked a war of words between India and Canada, which accuses the Indians of "killing a Canadian-on-Canadian soil".
"Show me the evidence!" Demanded PM Narendra Mody angrily.
Faced with an eloquent and ferocious Indian leader, Trudeau is becoming tongue tight as there's no way he can shut Mody up by showing his proof of evidence.
Meanwhile, this diplomatic row may be spinning out of control – with both sides demanding the other to reduce the number of diplomats posted in the other's embassy.
For a seasoned observer, this is yet another incident which clearly shows that the Canadian, British and Australian leaders are none other than Biden's boys – just doing Biden's bidding.
Any solution in sight? Any hope of reconciliation?
Nobody can help but Joe Biden – who alone can get the American CIA to reveal hard "facts".
Producing evidence is easy! Or is it?
The Moment CIA Provides Evidence for its Great Work of Wonder to Canada, the Biden Initiated U.S.-Indian Alliance Against China will Fall Apart…
Beating "crooked Hillary" was easy. Burying Biden may be challenging. Now, here comes the chance. The moment the CIA provides evidence for its great work of wonder the Biden initiated U.S.-Indian alliance – against China will fall apart.
And the consequential damage may not be easy to contain.
"Don't worry!" Biden's boys may want to console and protect their boss. For Justin Trudeau it may mean keeping the U.S. spy assistance in this murder case secret.
The fact that Trudeau is becoming conciliatory towards India lately suggests that the damage control mechanism is in action.
But to be on the safe side Biden would want his other boys to work in the way the Old Jew would coerce his adolescent pickpockets such as Oliver Twist to work closely as a team, hoping to get Canada and the U.S. network out of trouble without losing Indian as a cultivated key ally in the Indo-Pacific against China, a common enemy.
And now Trudeau is the clown in town – for failing to provide evidence to back up his strong accusation, which the U.S. can ill afford.
Given this dire situation, Biden may want to call his boys to arms to sidetrack the world's attention. You see, former PM of Australia Scott Morrison is already making waves, telling the world that he's going to Taiwan…
Remember former UK short-lived PM Liz Truss who went to Taiwan? It was one circus show after another. The point is clearly to stage a different play, hot enough to switch the attention from the Canadian scene to other English-speaking alliances.
For UK's sake, let's hope it is not Rishi Sunak's turn to amuse the town folks –given that "the world is a stage", in Shakespearean sense "in which we [the English-speaking boys] are all players" under Biden to fool India, China and foil their bilateral relations.
The Chinese who have suffered in various ways under U.S. hegemony can now have a good laugh and see a good show.
Relying on its pragmatic ideology in Socialism – with Chinese characteristics – President Xi Jinping has been strenuously engaging the greater part of the world in economic and development terms – through his Belt and Road Initiative, which is gathering momentum. The man is proving to be an enabler, stabilizing the world politically and economically.
In the realm of international politics, Xi has first made a successful attempt to help mend fences between Saudi Arabia and Iran, bringing peace to the Middle East.
In the roundtable of business and economy, the Chinese president has since been minding food and financial security – just in case the Americans make a mess for a world that is still struggling to regain its balance – after the onslaught of Covid-19 pandemic – in which millions of people have lost their lives. And the majority are working-class U.S. citizens.
In My Fair Lady, the professor yelled, "Why can't the English learn to speak English?!" To paraphrase, we sell this political ideology, asking," Why can't the Americans learn to earn peace, for peace's sake?!"
In the murder case that confronts Canada and India, truth hurts. The question is who would be licking the wounds – when the world stumbles onto the naked truth?
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
To contact the writer, please direct email: AugustusKYeung@ymail.com
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