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Photos | Death toll in Libya flooding rises to 11,300

The death toll in the flooding that has devastated a coastal city in Libya has risen to at least 11,300 people, according to the UN. (Xinhua)

The death toll in the flooding that has devastated a coastal city in Libya has risen to at least 11,300 people, according to the UN.

Following the deadly storm Daniel which wreaked havoc in Derna and surrounding areas, 10,100 are also still missing.

Emergency crews are still trawling through the town in northeastern Libya for survivors a week after the storm hit on 10 December.

Buildings were destroyed and cars were washed away as unprecedented flood waters left a trail of carnage in their wake.

Bodies are regularly being found amid mangled cars, uprooted trees and debris from buildings at the Derna seafront.

Following the deadly storm Daniel which wreaked havoc in Derna and surrounding areas, 10,100 are also still missing. (Xinhua)
Emergency crews are still trawling through the town in northeastern Libya for survivors a week after the storm hit on 10 December. (Xinhua)
A bridge was destroyed after heavy flood. (Xinhua)
The death toll in the flooding that has devastated a coastal city in Libya has risen to at least 11,300 people, according to the UN. (Reuters)


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