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Connie Talk EP7 | Igniting the night vibes: Tsingtao Beer Carnival to land in HK with sublime activities

Connie Talk
2023.09.14 15:53

Hong Kong will launch a major campaign to revitalize its nightlife and develop a nighttime economy as part of wider efforts to stimulate spending following the end of the pandemic.

In this episode, we are glad to have Ms. Karry Dong, president of the Hong Kong Tsingtao Association, to talk to us about the exciting HK Tsingtao Beer Carnival to be held at Central Market in late September.

With the world-renowned Tsingtao Beer as a stunt, the carnival is expected to ignite the night market economy for the city, publicize and promote mainland brands, and boost local consumption.

Up to now, the Qingdao International Beer Festival has been successfully held 33 times. On China's Most Valuable Brands List 2023, the brand value of Qingdao Beer reached RMB 240.7 billion, ranking first in China's beer industry for 20 consecutive years. On July 15, 1993, Tsingtao Brewery became the first H-share listed in Hong Kong, opening a new chapter for the development of mainland enterprises in Hong Kong.

During the interview, Dong pointed out that Hong Kong and Qingdao are similar in many aspects, including historical background and geographical locations. The combination of Tsingtao beer and Hong Kong's night market economy is conducive to local tourism development and can stimulate consumer demand.

What is the attraction of the carnival? What can Hong Kong learn from the long-standing festival and apply to practice? How should Hong Kong more effectively boost the nighttime economy? Watch the video now for more details.

Tag:·HK·John Lee· Tsingtao Beer Carnival ·activities


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