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Opinion | It's an American problem, not a China problem
Philip Yeung
2023.07.04 12:17

By Philip Yeung, university teacher


For the past eight years, post-Trump, America is plagued by a ton of problems. Its people are dying in mass shootings at the rate of 340 violent episodes in six months, six of which occurred at a school or university, random police killings, with nearly 2000 blacks dying at the hands of police officers every year; its gun violence has spread to road rage which takes one life every 16 hours, attacks on visible minorities in hate crimes from coast to coast, homelessness is rampant and unmanageable, its cities, including San Francisco, once the darling of the world, are dying, partisanship pervades and poisons federal and local politics, and dangerous extremism is totally out of control. America is in deep trouble. And consequently, so is the world.

Most, if not all, America's wounds are self-inflicted. They are not imported and have nothing to do with China or any other country. Ironically, it is China that keeps US inflation low with affordable goods. But American politicians expediently blame them all on China as a multi-purpose scapegoat. Many in America are now blindly playing the "Blame China" game.

The only problem is that blaming China for its socio-economic ills actually aggravates America's worsening human condition. It is far too easy and tempting to fan the flames of hate for another country, to divert attention from its domestic woes. Thanks to its unconscionable propaganda, the American public, by the millions, are beginning to hate China mindlessly, fact-free, and across-the-board.

The world's two biggest economies, America and China are two countries that stand in sharp contrast. The former is bitterly divided, stupidly electing idiots like Trump at the national level, and angry extremists like Ron De Santis of Florida as state leaders. China, by contrast, is the miracle country, capable of building a 1000-bed field hospital in 10 days, and a railway station in 9 hours, while America dilly-dallies over how to rename a bridge, as its infrastructure crumbles from state to state. One is dangerously dysfunctional, the other is single-mindedly focused on progress and long-term purpose. American streets are crime-ridden, Chinese neighborhoods are worry-free and midnight-safe. China expands trade and trade routes, America has gone sanctions-crazy. China is busy making money. America is busy making trouble. Out of jealousy and a desire to wobble its Chinese rival, the US has diverted its trade to Vietnam and India. You can bet your precious greenbacks that one day when these two countries grow big and powerful enough, they, too, will be the next target for American ire and punitive trade practices. America has lost its soul, but still sees itself as the world's policeman and savior, when in fact it badly needs policing and salvation itself. In people-friendly governance, China leads America by a country mile.

If it continues to elect idiots, America will turn into a nation of idiots, hate-filled, simple-minded, bereft of reason and provocatively belligerent. America is becoming an existential threat to the world. Tragically, it still has a stranglehold on global power and influence, coercing countries into toxic alliances and picking fights everywhere. Where America goes, a trail of death and destruction follows. Worse, when the earth is rapidly heating up, it is a notorious climate crisis denier, with a tilt towards big fossil business and big money. It has become a nation of the 99% for the 1%. Its uber-billionaires are splashing cash on space travel, while the little people are struggling to buy gas for their clunky jalopies. The American dream is utterly broken. The China dream has only just begun.

By reflexively pinning all its headaches on China, the US avoids treating its serious social ills seriously. It is not just hurting America, the rest of the world are not permitted to be bystanders, as they are sucked into a made-in-America maelstrom. No one knows where America will strike next.

We live in a post-truth world headed by a nation of falsehood. China, though a nation of peace and purpose, an oasis of calm, is painted as the villain from hell. Who will speak in defence of innocent China? Who will speak for basic human goodness? Where, for decency's sake, is the voice of reason? Western media is blindfolded by obsolete ideological labels and past political prejudices. You only have to utter three words to put reason to bed: "Chinese communist party". You don't need evidence. You don't need reason either. Being anti-China and rabidly anti-communist instantly confers on you a sense of moral superiority. It is a world of binge-smearing by labels. Do you still doubt that we are entering the 21st century equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah? With America unhinged, can Apocalypse be far behind?

The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·opinion· Philip Yeung· America· China· economies


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