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Opinion | Unfit to lead—America as a danger to the world
Philip Yeung
2023.01.24 15:49

By Philip Yeung, university teacher

Just three weeks into the new year, America has 36 mass shootings under its belt. It is more than a daily occurrence. The latest took the lives of 11 innocent Chinese elders in a dance hall celebrating the all-important Lunar New Year. The motive is unknown. A few days ago, an Asian girl was stabbed seven times by an angry white woman. Her excuse was frighteningly simple: "I thought she was Chinese." So now, being Chinese makes one a legitimate target of violent attacks.

In two years, between 2020 and 2022, there have been a catalogue of 11,400 hate crimes against Asians in the US. America is a now definitely a dangerous place for anyone who is colored. Spare us your lectures about alleged mistreatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. These ugly incidents in the US are real, day-to-day happenings and often on camera. What transpires in China's far west, a target of Islamic terrorism, is hearsay and maliciously twisted.

Something is utterly wrong with America. The crime scenes for mass shootings are often places for peaceful pursuits, like schools and dance halls for the elderly. Just last week, a 6-year-old student shot his teacher in class. These crimes of gun violence are like an epidemic. They are everywhere, in every US city and totally out of control. Every time a mass shooting breaks out, community leaders declare unity, but ritualistically deploring the senseless attacks and flying the flag at half-mast don't remove the guns from the streets.

America is a moral mess. Politically, partisanship has paralyzed Congress. Republicans under the spell of the Trump madness are election deniers, climate change deniers, and deniers of the rule of law. America has lost the pulpit to preach to the world. If things don't go your way, call up your white-supremacist mobs and mount an armed insurrection. Win at all costs, even if it means fabricating your CV and lying through your teeth under oath. And yet, a country driven by racism, hate, falsehood and thuggism is supposed to lead the world.

America itself is like a mass shooter---it doesn't matter how innocent the target or place is. If it feels frustrated or threatened, it will shoot from the hip. It has been involved in one war after another, under false pretenses, whether it is concoctions of "weapons of mass destruction" or kidnapping the leader of Panama in broad daylight.

American generals are openly talking about preparing to engage China in combat, corralling Japan into its dark and destructive scheme. I can assure you that if America and Japan go to war with China, the world as we know it will cease to exist, especially the four islands in Japan, a country whose hands are dripping with the blood of tens of millions of Chinese. China swears it will not be humiliated again. These are not the games of chicken children play. They are the history-ending games of apocalypse.

Of the three major powers, Russia, the US and China, only China plays by the rules and adheres to a policy of international peace, focused on building trade ties and opening up its own economy. But America, the mass shooter, picks on China for no other reason than it is seen as a rising challenge to American supremacy. Ramping up its anti-China rhetoric serves its domestic political expediency on both sides of the aisle. It doesn't matter how innocent or peace-loving China is, if America perceives it as a threat to its dominance, it must be cut down to size, becoming a legitimate target for trade sanctions, technology embargo, hostile encirclement and military subjugation. After Nancy Pelosi, a democratic House Speaker, sneaked into Taiwan, her Republic counterpart Kevin McCarthy is now itching to follow her footsteps to Taipei later this year. How childish, how irresponsible. How many more American in-your-face provocations must China put up with to keep the peace? American politicians are playing with fire with frequency and impunity.

America can't even keep its own house in order. Entrusting her to keep the peace is like inviting the fox to guard the hen-house. God save us from America.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·opinion· Philip Yeung· America· danger· world


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