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Opinion | From unipolar World to multipolarity

Angelo Giuliano
2022.06.22 17:07

By Angelo Giuliano, Political and financial analyst

The World is shifting from unipolar World to multipolar world or just ideally into a non-polar World. The Best World we could enjoy would be a World with no polarity after all with a single aim at bringing prosperity and working for common good for humanity rather than trying to impose a culture and civilisation upon the rest of the World.

Since the Russian Special operation, Countries previously allied of the US have started shifting away from the West. One has to ask the question, were those countries allies or hostages in the first place?

Here are few examples of shifts and positions:

Brasil: It has decided not to sanction Russia

India: traditionally a US Allie, India has been increasing its oil purchase.

China: China has been planning with Russia gas pipelines that will offset the loss of EU market, it will probably compensate for Russia's market losses as well as help bypassing Western sanctions.

Saudi Arabia: it got closer to Russia and it will start soon trading its oil in Chinese currency which will undermine the petrodollar and foundation of the dollar hegemony.

The West is left completely alone when it comes to the aggression on Russia. Russia is no Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria but a very advanced economy with massive natural resources and a very strong army. The West wanted to isolate Russia, instead the West got further isolated. The collective West is a declining power representing a small fraction of the World's population. Russia going against Western imperialism is a tipping point creating a new paradigm, where the rest of the World, the global south, the colonised World rising against Imperialism and the oppression of NATO, the IMF & World bank. In the Thucidies trap theory, in World's history, out of the 16 times where there was a power a transition in global leadership, 12 times it ended into war. Will the collective West be wise enough to acknowledge that the World is far bigger than G7 ? That the World is not the EU and the US alone, that the West is not exceptional and that it could work together with the rest of the world, in a win-win manner and not in a zero sum game where ultimately everyone looses. The collective West needs to wake up, global war in the 21st century could be the last war. After that, the next wars could be fought by cavemen using sticks.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·Opinion· Angelo Giuliano· unipolar· multupolar


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