By Angelo Giuliano, Political and financial analyst
What is happening in Xinjiang ?
You have probably heard about US claim of a genocide in Xinjiang where a million Uyghurs, a Chinese muslim minority have been put in concentration camps.
It is strange, if there was to be a genocide in Xinjiang :
⁃ Why there is not an outflow of millions of refugees ? just a dozen Uyghurs left China to the West with refugee status and grants to be full time actors for US interests
⁃ Why the Xinjiang population has been growing much faster than the rest of the Chinese population and other minorities ?
⁃ Why Uyghurs have never been subjected to the one child policy ?
⁃ Why Uyghur language is printed on every Chinese renminbi ?
⁃ Why Xinjiang region has been one of the most prosperous region by growing exponentially in the last decades ?
The claim of one million detainees comes from a study by Adrian Zenz, a radical anti-communist funded by an entity linked the National Endowment for Democracy, which is just an extension of the CIA
He had interviewed 8 pro-independence people and made an extrapolation of one million people detained, a creating accounting and also an intellectually insulting analysis.
There are educational centres in Xinjiang, that is true ; where tens of thousands of Uyghur have transited. It was a way for China to de-radicalise the US funded separatists in Xinjiang, some of them where even terrorists.
China has chosen to tackle the root of the radicalisation problem : poverty and ignorance.
By giving people education and a profession, China has given a way out of poverty for radicalised Uyghur people. A huge contrast compared to US war on terror, where the US tortured people in Abu Graib and Guantanamo and killed a million people in Afghanistan and Irak.
There was US sponsored terrorism in China and the same that created the problem are coming back at China for being successful at tackling terrorism.
It is like asking the one that put the fire to criticise the fireman.
Like Pompeo said : we lied, we cheated, we stole. This is what the US and CIA does, it is a culture of deceit.
After the lies of weapons of mass destruction, about the incubators thrown on the floor in Kuwait, the Douma fake gas attack in Syria, it is another big lie.
Like Goebbels said : If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.
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