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Opinion | The West just wants to taunt China into war over Taiwan, using old tricks

Angelo Giuliano
2022.06.18 15:12

By Angelo Giuliano, Political and financial analyst

These days the World economic gravity is shifting towards Eurasia, and this is mainly due to the policy of opening up China adopted in the late 70s by Deng Xiaoping. Since then China has achieved what no other nation has achieved in human history: the lifting out of extreme poverty of 800 million people.

When we look at history, it is just China taking back its original position as the World's largest economy it had been holding for thousands of years. When Europe discovered America, China had already a fleet many times larger than all Western powers combined and it had also a much larger and more advanced economy.

China was not interested in expansion, power projection and imperialism like Western powers are, it was more interested in trade and bringing peace, stability and prosperity to its own people.

Unfortunately, China missed the industrial revolution and was attacked by Western powers and Japan in 1839, territories were taken and a hundred years of humiliation began for China. China managed to regain most of its territories in 1945, then later in 1997 United Kingdom handed back Hong Kong to its motherland.

There is only one missing piece for China, the return of Taiwan that was taken by the Japanese and later by the Chinese nationalists Kuomintang during the Chinese civil war in 1945. The reunification of Taiwan with China would end the century of humiliation, a trauma that has cost the Chinese nation millions of people.

Sovereignty and territorial integrity are the most important elements for China, a 5000-year-old civilization state. China has been waiting patiently for a peaceful return of Taiwan while the West wants to adopt the same strategy it is doing with Ukraine by turning it against Russia. The West only wants to taunt China into war over Taiwan, turning them against one another.

I want to believe that the Taiwanese will be much smarter and will see the bigger game and how the West doesn't care about Taiwan and is just trying to antagonize the Chinese nation and use the divide and conquer strategy.

It is time for the West to think carefully, we are at a crossroads in deciding how the power transition could work, Western elites have hijacked their democracies and the mind of their people. The World is far bigger than the collective imperial West, hegemony and western superiority are outdated and racist concepts. Multipolarity and mutual prosperity should be the new reality provided the collective West wakes up and stop dreaming about a war it cannot win.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·opinion· Angelo Giuliano· China· Taiwan· US· Russia· Ukraine· West


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