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Opinion | Maintain Boris Johnson's popularity at the sacrifice of Hong Kong BNO holders?
Edward Hei Leung
2022.03.08 12:24

By Edward Hei Leung, LegCo Member

The UK government has recently announced the extension of BNO visa programs to Hong Kong citizens born on or after the return of sovereignty to China. They can apply to settle independently as long as one of their parents has BNO. What are the hidden agendas behind Boris Johnson's administration? Does the Prime Minister truly help Hong Kong citizens?

Remember that the UK government once rejected BNO visa expansion to HK youths, saying that it was too broad. Yet, the administration suddenly took a quick U-turn and made reviews on its BNO visa program after a few months. It renders others highly skeptical of Boris Johnson's intention. For instance, he can divert public attention and reframe himself as a capable anti-China leader amid the increasing pressure from party-gate scandal.

Back to the current BNO program, the British government heaps enormous revenues, with an estimated net benefit between £2.4 and £2.9 billion over 5 years. On one hand, given the post-Brexit turmoil, the UK currently suffers from severe labor shortages in areas like warehouse packaging, logistics, food and beverage, to name but a few. As a result, a majority of Hong Kong professionals have to participate in blue-collar works, filling part of the existing human resource gap.

The acquisition of UK citizenship, on the other hand, is costly. The five-year visa costs £250 ($340), not to mention the mandatory NHS charges of £3,120 for adults and £2,350 for children. Worse still, some even use up their savings. Sky News has reported a homeless man named Enoch, who now simply relies on local food banks to survive.

As a kindly reminder, there is no guarantee to get a full British passport under the so-called 5+1 scheme. It is always possible for the latest UK administration to review the controversial BNO policy. In fact, the arrival of Hong Kong BNO holders is now the culprit of the recent property boom in the UK, where property prices in some of its cities have risen as much as 11.5 per cent in the past year. Under the increasingly high living pressure, together with fierce competition for socio-economic resources, do you think the locals are always welcome to outsiders like Hong Kong citizens?

Aside from the uncertainty thereof, the UK government blatantly violates its explicit commitment in which the right of abode would not be conferred, said by Wang Wenbin, the spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously, when Boris Johnson announced the introduction of BNO visa program at the first place, some local politicians suggest the cancellation of Hong Kong SAR passport and permanent resident card for BNO migrants. Now, our homeland remains not to recognize BNO passport as a valid travel document or proof of identity. However, no one knows whether the central government would put forward the countermeasure in response to the latest BNO program.

As pointed out by Grenville Cross, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, some BNO holders will find that emigrating to the UK was a huge mistake and that all illusions will eventually fade away. Sad but true, as time goes, there will be more cases similar to Enoch's tragedy. Who is responsible for their misfortune? BNO holders themselves or politicians exaggerating the effectiveness of the existing 5+1 program? The answer is crystally clear.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.

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Tag:·opinion·Edward Hei Leung·UK·BNO·Hong Kong·Boris Johnson


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