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Opinion | The Nobel Peace Prize, the marketing prize for Globalist Neo-liberal agenda

Angelo Giuliano
2021.10.04 11:23

By Angelo Giuliano, Political and financial analyst

October 2021 will be another chapter of this theater celebrating Western elected Nobel peace prize, among the contenders "bla-bla-bla" Greta Thurnberg, US backed-sponsored Hong Kong agents Martin Lee & Nathan Law.

The sinister origins of the Nobel Peace Prize :

Alfred Nobel was a wealthy Norvegian businessman, he had invented dynamite, he had been named "the merchant of death" when media had mistaken his orbituary for his brother. This prize had been created for whitewashing the crimes of a wealthy man. It is a prize that gradually has become a Western marketing weapon to promote Western values and Western political agenda.

A few very controversial figures have received the prize :

- War criminal Barak Obama

- CIA – NED funded puppet Aung San Suu Kyi, responsible for Rohingya genocide.

- Regime change Western sponsored Amnesty international.

- CIA sponsored agent Dalai Lama

- War Criminal Henry Kissinger.

In the history of the Nobel peace prize, only one receiver had declined the prize. It was in 1973 that Revolutionary Nord-Vietnamese Le Duc Tho refused the price that was given as well to war criminal Kissinger.

"The Nobel Committee made a big mistake," Le Duc Tho said in an interview with UPI a decade later. "This is a prize for peace. The thing here is, who is the one that has created peace? The ones who fought against the U.S. and established peace for the country are us, not the U.S. However, the Nobel Committee has put the invader and the invaded as equal – that is something I cannot accept, and that is the reason why I declined the prize." When asked if he'd accept the prize now that the country is free, he replied, "Yes, but only if the prize is awarded to me only."

After all, Le Duc Tho, the only one that declined the prize, might be the real hero to celebrate, the real peace prize hero that declined fame and fortune for his people, for his dignity and against this masquerade that the Nobel Peace prize is.

It is possible that they give the prize either to HK free press or Nathan law and Martin Lee. It is in anticipation.


The views do not necessarily reflect those of DotDotNews.


Tag:·Nobel Peace Prize· Martin Lee· Nathan Law· Western marketing weapon· Globalist Neo-liberal agenda


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