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Explainer | Difference between voting and electing

2021.08.11 11:25

By Angelo Giuliano, Political and financial analyst

Electing and voting are completely opposed, here is why.

Voting is the real democratic act where the citizen is empowered to take a decision where he has a direct impact over a policy.

While on the contrary electing is one of the most un-democratic action, it is counter-intuitive though the election is in fact giving up the right to vote by transferring the decision to a "master" we elect that will ultimately take the decision in our favor for a defined period (4-5 years), with no check and balance possible. By electing we give up our natural democratic right of decision.

Switzerland is a good example of mix where we enjoy both electing and voting right and unjust laws can be overturned trough referendum procedure. The citizen has ultimately the power to take over. A good example of a government for/of/by the people.

Additional to that it is imperative for a country to fulfill pre-conditions to democracy : no foreign interference / civic maturity of population / country safe and at peace / no money interference (lobbying) / protections of minorities to avoid negative sides of democracy > mob rule, the majority ruling at the expanse of the minority. / solid constitution (rule of the game) written by the people to be protected from the elites.

Ultimately every country need to apply the best system according to :

- geopolitical realities

- culture

- history

- development stage

Western style democracy is still at its infancy stage, experimental, the ultimate legitimacy comes from the people support for its institution.

China CPC is at 95% support according to Harvard study. This is legitimacy.


Tag:·voting· electing· difference· legitimacy


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