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Freeze Peach | American Farce: Biden's Mind Melt Bonanza (Part II)

Call me Joe! Or is it Joseph? Oh, you know... The Thing! (Artwork by Zach Ginsburg)

By J.B.Browne

Welcome to the Machine

Biden, as President, repeatedly forgets the names of institutions, names of people he himself appointed, places he's been, countries America is invading, even his wife Jill, who he called Karen once—she laughed for the cameras but died a little inside.

Here he is dreaming up a George W. Bush Donald Trump hybrid:

Here he forgets Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's name, calling him 'the guy who runs that outfit over there':

It's chaos when Sleepy Joe's out in public. Biden's demented mind is the inverse cranial reflection of an Empire in decline. And boy, does his team know about it. Even though Team Biden enjoys uncritical media protection carte blanche, Biden's internal gaffe machine is never far away. PR needs to be controlled and managed—tightly.

Biden's propaganda machine, or team, seems to isolate him more and more from critical people entirely. For example, during press meetings, the assembled press, likely invite-only, seem to ask him three types of questions:

1. Questions he can answer Yes or No

2. Questions that already contain the answer, jogging his memory

3. Questions that are sycophantic statements where he can nod along and smile

In most of these scenarios, all Joe needs to do is flash those white dentures and be gracious. As he's been known on Capitol Hill for years, Senator Credit Card has been doing this with his corporate paymasters for years, so that's easy. When it gets unpredictable, or when Joe thinks he can field random questions, his team know better and just cut the feed:

Biden is left red-faced as live feed gets cut amid White House briefing. Is this a totalitarian state?

It gets easier when in a highly controlled environment, like the interview he did with ABC News's George Stephanopoulos, who asked Biden such softball questions to embed the answers within them. Are they friends? Is George S. not a credible journalist? Did Biden's team brief him beforehand to go easy on Sleepy Joe, so his friend doesn't have to struggle?

Witness for yourself:

Stephanopoulos consciously doesn't ask Biden, "what do you think about Putin?" Instead, he asks him, "do you think he's a killer?" To which Biden responds toddler-like with "uh-huh. I do." After that, no open question, just a follow-up "what price is he gonna pay?" to which Biden responds, "the price he's gonna pay? well, you'll see shortly."


Such was the obviousness of the setup that the full interview has been taken offline. Does the Biden admin not think he is capable of answering these questions? Are they afraid he cannot think for himself?

Wherever he goes, it's a PR stunt for Admin Biden to get Joe to repeat vacuous political mantras.

Here are some examples of Biden 'reading' from a script:

Biden struggles to read a teleprompter.

Joe Biden mocked for stumbling while reading his 'note cards'.

The list of examples is endless.

American Farce

"The only people promoting the idea that Joe Biden has dementia are right-wingers, left-wingers, and Joe Biden."

— Caitlin Johnstone, 2021

So, where does that leave us? Is Biden a good President? How do we know? He seems protected from the outside world and doesn't get to meet critical reporters or members of the audience.

Let's see.

"Vote for Biden!" they said. "Because we need to stop COVID!"

Nobody is wearing a mask, and only 60% got vaccinated. America has 6 million active cases, and COVID wards are chockablock. The death toll has nearly doubled, and people are packing stadiums maskless. What changed under Biden? Nothing. The liberal media has stopped covering the pandemic.

"Vote for Biden!" they said. "Because Trump is putting kids in cages!"

Sure, but the number of kids on cages has quadrupled. They sleep next to or on one another during an unmanaged pandemic. What changed under Biden? Nothing. The liberal media don't mention them anymore.

"Vote for Biden!" they said. "We want to end the forever wars!"

But Admin Biden's budget proposal seeks $753 billion overall for national defense, a 2% uptick over the prior year. Biden is bombing Africa again, with the US launching a second Somalia strike in a week this week. Biden has maintained US support for genocides in Palestine and Yemen. Biden has bombed Iraq, Syria; imposed more sanctions on Cuba, promoted regime change in resource-rich non-aligned states like Venezuela, continued maximum pressure on Iran; escalated new cold wars and furthered American exceptionalism against Russia and China.

Biden hasn't even made a significant change to anything he ran on because, of course, his supporters were just relieved to have Tump and his Christian clown crew of crackpot fascists out. In fact, Biden and Trump have far more in common than they do differences.

It's the System, Dummy!

"The United States is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them."

— Julius Nyerere, First President of Tanzania

The 'democratic' change from Trump to Biden is meaningless window dressing without a push for actual systemic change. It does not offer any substantive relief from what Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges describes as "American pathocracy and imminent surrender to corporate totalitarianism."

The inescapable reality is that Biden, the symbol, is just another fleshy figurehead, another neocon-neoliberal with no structural policies to reduce extreme US wealth inequality nor change any of the above.

Nothing substantial will change under Biden as he and his predecessors epitomize leadership forged by a system of legalized bribery. His promises of reform hold no more merit than those championed by Clinton and Obama. And well, isn't it beautifully ironic that America's distinctly fading imperial power is reflected in Biden's all-too-real physical and mental decline?

HAHA, classic. The poster-child of Alzheimer's talking about Alzheimer's. Fifteen years to flatten the... oh, you know the thing!

No, but seriously.

Alzheimer's is not a joke, ESPECIALLY if you're the President of the United States of America.

Real American progressives, you're in a dark place.

As he would refer himself, J.B. Browne is a half "foreign devil" living with anxiety relieved by purchase. HK-born Writer/Musician/Tinkerer.


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