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Freeze Peach | American Farce: Biden's Mind Melt Bonanza (Part I)

By J.B.Browne

Disclaimer: If you or anyone else knows of anyone suffering from memory loss or difficulty concentrating, be sure to NOT live in a country that ruinously allows such a person to become the most powerful person on the planet.

Warning: Such persons may leave satchels containing nuclear launch codes in random places.

Call me Joe! Or is it Joseph? Oh, you know... The Thing! (Artwork by Zach Ginsburg)

Before we continue, feel free to witness 17 minutes of Joe Biden's melting brain. See you in a bit.

17 Minutes Of Joe Biden's Melting Brain

They said the guy running for President was just as surprised as everyone else when he found out he was running for President.

C'mon Man

"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

—President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 2019

If you hadn't noticed already, or you've been indulging in some communal cognitive dissonance, the President of the United States of Dementia has America—Oh, you know... The Thing!

No, but seriously.

The President of the United States of America has dementia. There. It's true. My aunt has dementia, and she says this all the time. It's sad. But it's a fucking wormhole catastrophe if the American President, the most powerful man on the planet, leading the most powerful military in history, has it. More so if he's not calling any of the shots. But more on that ghoulish nightmare later.

In general, world leaders, all leaders should be competent, capable, and fully aware. Unfortunately, Biden is none of these things. It doesn't matter how many media outlets portray him looking invincible with those shiny metallic Top Gun aviators.

America, FUCK YEAH! G.I. Joe Biden (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

At times he appears confused, forgetful, and snappy. He pauses, drowning in pools of vacant thought for way too long. He consistently exhibits poor communication skills and even seems physically lost, needing a handler when traveling abroad.

Here's Biden getting lost during the G7 summit:

Top minder: FLOTUS, Jill Biden. Good thing she's a doctor.

Truth Over Facts

"We choose truth over facts!"

—President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 2020

If it's not excruciatingly obvious yet, Joe Biden's fading mental faculties at public events have become so cringeworthy we probably have a moral right to categorize it as 'elder abuse.' The guy turned 78 last November, the same age as Ronald Reagan when he completed his SECOND term—that's retirement age, but Joe's just getting started.

Biden's poll numbers would nosedive whenever he spoke publicly on the campaign trail, especially in live debates where he seemed to forget things he was saying.

Here's Julián Castro castigating (castrating) Biden during a Democratic debate in 2020: "are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago!?"

At least with his wits about him, Castro, a young and energetic candidate, received immediate push back from Democrats 2020, seemingly because his exchange was a 'personal attack' on Biden's frail memory. Biden was the pick regardless of poor performance during the debates, exhibiting clear evidence of a mind ill-fit for office. From the outset, he seemed to have issues. Like real issues. Like fucking dementia issues, which is why his campaign team decided to limit his public appearances.

There was a clear correlation between Biden's ascent to office and the shrinkage of public outings. President Biden was no different from Candidate Biden. Now, however, there was power to lock him away from the public and press indefinitely. The decision by his team to limit Sleepy Joe in the public sphere led to a glaring absence after taking public office.

Initially, there was no press conference during a pandemic that had claimed more than 107,000 lives (half a million in total) since his inauguration. Biden took office on January 20. His first official press conference was on March 25. TWO MONTHS. Public office is the public's office. Where was their leader?

Sealed Off From Critical Voices

"I got a lot of ah... I got hairy legs that turn... that that that that that that that that turn... uh uh um... blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down, so it was straight and then watch the hair mhm cuh cuh come back up again. They'd look at. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumpin' on my lap. And I love kids jumpin' on my lap."

—President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 2019

I mean, you have to see it to believe it, so here's the video, Biden's deranged musings on hairy legs, roaches, and enjoying kids on his lap:

It's hardly surprising that during the 2020 campaign, there were few if any critical voices in the liberal media questioning Biden's physical and mental fitness (liberal media defined as most US journalists aligned with Democrat policies). But voters worried. And those that actively criticized Biden's track record and evident decline on platforms like Twitter received zero air time in the mainstream to voice these concerns, perhaps to ask more critical questions of broader systemic failures. It's as if as soon as Trump was gone, all mainstream media criticisms of the administration vanished along with the entire opposition in the liberal sector.

Where did they go? Isn't the true essence of democracy to hear its screaming critical voices loudest? Particularly a democracy so drunk on the righteousness of its claims as to willingly 'export' them for millions of deaths worldwide? There are considerable consequences that play out to this collective ostrich-head-in-sand.

Biden's non-sensical statements are but a simulacrum of a deep-rooted systemic indifference to reality and the electorate. We see this sort of psychosis of denial playing out in the way Biden deals with audiences. When pushed, he's rude and threatening. In one barb-laden exchange on his campaign trail in Iowa, Biden accused an audience member of being too old to vote for him.

"You're too old to vote for me!" said the oldest President in US history without irony. The room, full of older people, applauded and laughed. In the same incident, crowd psychosis kicked again when Biden lashed out at an 84-year-old retired farmer who dared question Hunter Biden's Ukrainian business practices:

"You're a damn liar!" Biden hissed. The crowd applauded again. When the man retaliated, "you don't have any more backbone than Trump does," the audience booed.

You're a damn liar! Joe Biden lashes out at a voter in Iowa.

There are many more incidents of Biden's abuse of a lopsided power dynamic to bully and intimidate audience members. Biden called a young female voter Madison Moore a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" when he refused to believe she had attended a caucus.

"His inability to answer a simple question from a nobody college student like me only exacerbates that reality," Moore later told the Washington Post about Biden's dire performances.

As he would refer himself, J.B. Browne is a half "foreign devil" living with anxiety relieved by purchase. HK-born Writer/Musician/Tinkerer.


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