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讓世界看到彩色的香港 讓香港看到彩色的世界

Not An Outsider EP1 | 17 years in China, Canadian musician calls himself "most Chinese foreigner worldwide"

Reported by Jingyi Lu in Guangzhou, translated by Sissy Zhang and Julian Zhu

"When I 吃飯, I only 吃 with 筷子; When I 看書, I read 老子 and 孔子; Because I 喜歡、愛上 everything 中國" (meaning when I eat, I only eat with chopsticks; when I read, I read Laozi and Confucious; because I like and fall in love with everything in China). These lyrics that combine the eastern and the western culture, is from a song named "The 中國est 老外 in all 天下" (meaning the most Chinese foreigner worldwide). Its songwriter is a Canadian musician David Clink. And the song conveys his profound love for China and its culture.

Having been living in China for 17 years, David works as an English teacher and songwriter. Watch the video to find out more stories about David Clink, a Canadian calling himself the "most Chinese foreigner in the world".


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