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Smart Talk|When Bitcoin hits record high, what can Blockchain bring us?

Bitcoin climbed above US$34,000 for the first time on Sunday (Jan. 3), extending a record-breaking rally in the volatile cryptocurrency that delivered a more than 300% gain in 2020. Blockchain, as the foundation technology of cryptocurrency, has long been under the spotlight. While the financial market is embracing this unpredictable trend brought by blockchain, general public are remaining cautious and skeptical about it.

In this episode, DotDotNews invites King Leung, Head of Fintech at InvestHK which is a department of the Hong Kong SAR Government responsible for attracting Foreign Direct Investment and fostering a more vibrant fintech ecosystem in HK, together with Kelvin Yeung, a serial entrepreneur, Co-founder and COO of the fintech startup MediConCen, to join our discussion.

How to better explain the concept of blockchain? Besides cryptocurrencies, what are the other applications and advantages of this trendy technology? What kind of obstacles are blockchain startups currently facing? And what are the solutions? Watch the video to find out.

Please watch Part II here.

以言會友|當比特幣屢破紀錄 區塊鏈技術能帶來什麼?

新年伊始,比特幣價格屢破紀錄,並在1月3日突破3.48萬美元。作為加密貨幣的最熱代表,比特幣在2020 年飆漲逾 300%。而區塊鏈作為加密貨幣背後的核心技術,自面世以來就備受關注。當金融市場擁抱這一輪由區塊鏈帶來的、不可阻擋的趨勢,普羅大眾對於這項技術仍持謹慎和觀望的態度。




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