Smart Talk|Why have anti-Chinese thoughts become so-called 'mainstream voice' among HK youngsters?
Recent years have seen a growth of the subtle tension between local and mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, which was further heightened after the social unrest last year. It has always been a pity that people who share similar origins and cultural roots have fallen into rival groups due to political divergence and stereotypical images. In this episode, DotDotNews invites Keybros, two HK-born Gen Z influencers and Tom, a fresh HKU graduate from Guangdong Province to talk about identity issues in HK.
How are local and mainland youngsters in HK different and similar in perceiving their identities? Why there always seems to be only one voice amongst HK's younger generation? How should we maintain an independent and critical way of thinking when some anti-Chinese thoughts has become political correctness in HK's local discourse community? Behind all those labels and camps, are there more important, humanistic sides that we should pay attention to? How can we promote mutual understanding between the two groups? Watch the video to find your own answers.