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Exclusive | HK Police Souvenir Gallery, glorious history in miniature

After the lockout of a year, Hong Kong Police Souvenir Gallery has reopened in September, in the aftermath of the social unrest that happened last year.

DotDotNews visits the Gallery and talks to its operator Phoebe Hui, who transited from a frequent customer to an operator to show support for HK police.

Proudly thriving from the glorious history of the HK Police Force, most of the products in the Gallery carry delicate designs with the high cost and fine quality. Operators wish that police officers and their supporters feel a sense of belonging with these products.

The police souvenir shop (predecessor of the Hong Kong Police Souvenir Gallery) was established in 1972. Its operation has been contracted out in the form of open tender since 1997. The operation of the Gallery is regulated by the Management Committee. With the approval of the Management Committee, the Gallery may set up sales outlets in designated places for the public to purchase souvenirs.

The Gallery sets up two shops at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters and the Police Officer Club. It also sells products at its WeChat official account and website (https://www.marbro.com.hk/) for those who want to show their support to HK Police Force.

Want to get to know more about the Gallery? Follow us with the video to explore!


經歷香港修例風波,在一年的停擺後,香港警察禮品廊於9月重開。DotDotNews點新聞日前獨家探訪禮品廊,並採訪店長Phoebe Hui。因為撐警,她從顧客變成經營者。在上一任店長因經營困難而退出後,Phoebe和合夥人參與投標,並接下禮品廊。






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