Universities became a "battle ground" amid the storm of 2019 social unrest in Hong Kong.
Milan Ismangil, PhD candidate from Chinese University of Hong Kong, witnessed the protests from his dormitory. And Sky Darmos, former researcher of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was doxxed by protesters because of his public expression of different opinions. Consequently, Darmos was dismissed by the University.
The two foreigners both have a say in this massive chaos. After what happened in HK, do they choose to leave or stay?
在2019年下半年的修例風波中,香港高校一度淪為「暴亂基地」。Milan Ismangil是香港中文大學的在讀博士。他在校園中親身經歷了事件的全過程。而德國學者藍霄漢(Sky Darmos),因為公開表達不同意見被起底,最終被香港理工大學取消訪問學者的資格。
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