var msg = {}; msg['jsLang.notBlank'] = "may not be empty"; msg['jsLang.passwordFail'] = "The user name or password is incorrect"; msg['jsLang.EmailFail'] = "not a well-formed email address"; msg['jsLang.inputpassword'] = "Please enter password"; msg['jsLang.passwordLength'] = "The password must contain 6 to 18 characters"; msg['jsLang.passwordInconsistency'] = "The two passwords are inconsistent"; msg['jsLang.registerSuccess'] = "Register successfully, please login"; msg['jsLang.registerFail'] = "Registration failed, please try again"; msg['jsLang.sendCodeSuccess'] = "The verification code has been sent to your email"; msg['jsLang.sendCodeFail'] = "Failed to send the verification code. Please try again"; msg['jsLang.getCode'] = "Get code"; msg['jsLang.seconds'] = "Seconds";