Improving environmental quality in lower-middle-income countries: Experts convene in Sri Lanka

On July 4, a diverse group of environmental experts and scholars gathered at the China-Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Centre for Water Technology (JRDC) in Kandy, Sri Lanka. (DDN)

On July 4, a diverse group of environmental experts and scholars gathered at the China-Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Centre for Water Technology (JRDC) in Kandy, Sri Lanka, to participate in a forum titled "Improving Air Quality in Lower-Middle Income Countries: Monitoring, Modeling, and Pollution Control." The forum brought together representatives from China, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, the United States, and other countries to share knowledge and discuss innovative solutions to address air pollution challenges.

On July 4th, a diverse group of environmental experts and scholars gathered at the China-Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Centre for Water Technology (JRDC) in Kandy, Sri Lanka. (DDN)

The opening session featured remarks from several distinguished speakers. Prof. Min Yang highlighted the serious air pollution problems facing Sri Lanka, emphasizing the need for this collaborative forum.

Prof. M.D. Lamawansa, Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya, welcomed the international experts and underscored the importance of addressing air pollution to protect public health in Sri Lanka.

Ms. Vernika Ranawaka-Arachchi from the Central Environmental Authority of Sri Lanka provided an overview of the country's air pollution policies, research, and capacity-building efforts.

Representing the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Yongguan Zhu, Director General of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), delivered a thought-provoking address. He stressed the need for global solutions to tackle environmental challenges, emphasizing the role of scientific research and knowledge exchange.

Echoing this sentiment, Mr. Sugath Dharmakeerthi, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Waste and Sanitation and Energy Infrastructure Development, expressed his appreciation for the joint research initiatives between Sri Lanka and China, and his hope that the JRDC would continue to support national-level policymaking on air pollution.

Dr. Samuel Chui, Director of the Environmental Protection Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). (DDN)

A highlight of the forum was the contribution from Dr. Samuel Chui, Director of the Environmental Protection Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Dr. Chui shared Hong Kong's successful experiences in addressing air pollution and improving overall air quality in the Greater Bay Area. He emphasized Hong Kong's role as a "super-connector," willing to share its smart solutions and valuable experiences to support the development of environmental initiatives in Sri Lanka and other lower-middle-income countries.

Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department provided air quality monitoring equipment to Sri Lanka. (DDN)
Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department provided air quality monitoring equipment to Sri Lanka. (DDN)

The forum featured a significant event: the Air Quality Management Software Donation to strengthen the collaboration further. Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department generously provided air quality monitoring equipment to Sri Lanka, demonstrating the city's commitment to fostering international cooperation and environmental stewardship.

The air quality forum in Kandy, Sri Lanka, exemplified the power of cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange. By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds, the event provided a platform for discussing innovative approaches to tackling air pollution challenges in lower-middle-income countries. The participation and contributions of Hong Kong, in particular, highlighted the value of sharing best practices and leveraging technological solutions to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

The forum also featured sessions on regional approaches, understanding pollution sources and controls, and air quality modeling and pollution control, with contributions from experts worldwide.